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Title Case: Elmer W. Henderson, printed version
Date Oct 1949
Document Type Legal Document; Pamphlet
Description Record of a court case about segregation on railways. The ruling upholds the use of segregated dining cars.
Series Description Series 5: Surveys and Studies, 1944-1969
Box Description Transportation Study: Segregation in Interstate Railway Coach Travel
Theme/s Legislation and Legal Cases  Civil Rights  
Keywords railway, dining car, segregation, discrimination, legislation, judge, prejudice, coach, Pullman, Supreme Court, Shelley vs. Kraemer, Fourteenth Amendment, housing, real estate practices, covenant, Plessy v. Ferguson, food, Jim Crow laws, racial tensions, seat reservation, school
Names Wright, Richard
Organizations American Sociological Society; Howard University; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP); United Nations
Places Atlanta, GA; Birmingham, AL; Boston, MA; Chicago, IL; Detroit, MI; Greensboro, NC; Louisville, KY; Mobile, AL; Nashville, TN; New York, NY; Topeka, KS; Washington, DC
Library Amistad Research Center
Copyright Physical rights retained and permission granted by the Amistad Research Center